SimpleCert® News

September 15, 2017
“We found that the students in the certificate group attended 42.5 percent more of their allocated tutoring hours than students in the control group.” We found the following article that quantitatively shows that...
August 30, 2017
Create your certificates with SimpleCert®! Now that we understand some of the benefits of why becoming a provider is beneficial (see last post), let’s look more closely as CEU providers, for example we...
July 14, 2017
We’ve talked about the benefits of giving certificates of completion to attendees, recipients, and registrants, but what about for you the provider? What are the benefits for you and your company? Or you...
June 22, 2017
A certificate of recognition for a job well done is a great way to stimulate follow-through and reinforce participation. To reward a student with something tangible like a certificate allows the student to...
May 25, 2017
The idea and concept of SimpleCert® was born from the need to find a simple solution to creating certificates of completion for Group Internet Based programs. While many of the webinar platforms now...
April 12, 2017
Hello to the SimpleCert® Community!  Frequent readers of this blog will know that we go to great effort here  to provide you with tips, tricks and updates on how to make SimpleCert® work...
February 17, 2017
Hello to the SimpleCert® Community! As is normal for the spring season, we’ve been busy with updates and fixes to allow SimpleCert® to work even better for you. In addition to that, several...
November 21, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving to the SimpleCert® community! You will remember in our Sept 14 blog that this fall has seen many updates to how users can design and complete certificate templates from within the...
October 13, 2016
Here at SimpleCert® HQ, we always have an interest in hearing of creative ways people use SimpleCert®, and how certificates and awards in general are used to enrich and acknowledge others.  If you...
September 14, 2016
Time for Updates at SimpleCert®! It’s time for updates at SimpleCert®! Like many places, it’s a truth here that after a busy spring  season, our brains turn to mush and we have no...
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