Certificate & Award Ideas for Youth Sport Coaches and Athletes
The concept of the participation trophy in youth sports is a hotly debated topic nowadays. But everyone can agree there is nothing wrong with awarding the young student athletes and coaches who all work hard and excel on and off the field.
Youth sports teach us a great deal about life and success in the world. Whether the award is for achieving a personal record, accomplishing a personal best, improving significantly, or showing tremendous attitude or effort, it is important to recognize and encourage the behaviors and efforts that will one day help these young athletes be successful in the workplace and in life.

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Popular Youth Sports Award Template Ideas:
SimpleCert® allows for the creation of any type of printable award or certificate with its drag and drop editor, but here are a few great ready-made ideas that will get you started when awarding your players and teams.
MVP or Most Valuable Player Award Template
It takes hard work, grit, and determination to stand above the other players on a team. Whether it’s t-ball or the NFL, the most valuable player on the team really makes a difference and the MVP deserves to be recognized.
Most Improved Award Template
When you have an athlete who isn’t necessarily the immediate stand-out or the leader of the team, but instead has come a long way from where they were in the beginning of the sporting season. This player didn’t quit. This player showed up, worked hard, and improved at the sport. These athletes are known for being most improved and they should be recognized with a memorable award.
Rookie of the Year Award Template
Being new to something is not always easy. Not only are you learning a new skill, system, or team, but you’re also building relationships and trying to contribute. Recognize the new person who really stands out and begin preparing them to lead the team in the future.
Youth Sports Award Ideas
Beyond those pre-made ideas, with SimpleCert® you can personalize and create any certificate you can imagine. Whether you’re looking to provide a meaningful award that recognizes the positive traits of every player, or you’re looking to create some exciting custom awards that align with the personality or theme of your team, it can be done quickly and easily using the SimpleCert® tool.
Whether you’re playing football, basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, or another team sport, here are a few creative award ideas to get you started:
Best Attitude Award
Best Teammate Award
Bravest Award
Cheerleader Award
Comedian Award
Good Sport Award
Helper Award
Fastest Award
Lightning Award
Listener Award
Love of the Game Award
Most Assists Award
Most Hustle Award
Most Improved Award
MVP Award
MVP Defensive Player Award
MVP Offensive Player Award
Quickest Award
Role Model Award
Sportsmanship Award
Stealer Award
Superstar Award
Swag Award
Team Leader Award
Team Spirit Award
Design Your Sports Certificate Right Now for Free !
Design Your Sports Certificate Right Now for Free!
No matter how you choose to award your youth athletes, SimpleCert® is a great resource to help with the process. Sign-up today to create your first free award template! With SimpleCert®, you can easily create simple one-off certificates or you can print awards for the entire team with our simple roster upload capability. No matter what style of awards or how many you need to create, the SimpleCert® system can make your job quick and easy.