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Academic Certificate Management System Software

The automated solution for schools and universities: Create, send, and store certificates for your entire student body.

What Used to Take Hours Now Takes Minutes

If you’ve worked in an academic office, you know it can be a challenging environment.

Let’s imagine that your institution serves 5,400 students.

Now, imagine you’re tasked with distributing Academic Achievement Certificates to your student population. As the certificate manager, you must send them out in three days.

You’d be exclaiming, “5,400 certificates in three days?!” And I wouldn’t blame you because we’ve been there:

  • Manually creating certificates, and personalizing them via Mail Merge is tedious.
  • Configuring and distributing your certificates with a third-party Add-in such as “Outlook Mail Merge Attachment” is prone to issues and embarrassing errors.
  • What about management and storage of all 5,400 certificates? How can you reasonably be expected to store, and then manage those files for access and the inevitable updates that will need to be made?

Time is ticking. Surely, there has to be another way.

Enter SimpleCert®.

As one education provider has said with our certificate management system, “…it takes less than an hour to get certificates ready, realistically more like 20 minutes.

Imagine if you could personalize and deploy 5,400 certificates literally in MINUTES. Upload your recipient data via Excel or CSV, automatically create each personalized certificate, and instantly email every recipient their unique certificate with a single click – all from an easy to use interface. With SimpleCert as your Certificate Management System, you can move on to the next task in your day.

How SimpleCert®’s Academic Certificate Management System Helps Administrators

Here is how SimpleCert helps you to manage certificates from beginning to end.

It’s faster than mail merge.

Preview, and correct certificates before they are saved and BEFORE they are sent out.

Empower students to access their own certificates via notification emails and custom Recipient Portals.

Track certificate access, update email addresses and names to existing certificates in real time.

Utilize advanced features like QR codes for additional security.

It’s Faster than Mail Merge

With SimpleCert you’re able to design your certificate templates so that they are infinitely reusable.

  • Create your certificate design and notification email using SimpleCert’s builder. Once complete, they are available for use whenever needed and without further updates.
  • Upload your institution’s student list into your account, and SimpleCert will automatically create and send your certificates to your students.

By creating your design and then uploading data to create your certificates, you can completely automate your certificate management process.

Don’t have your own certificate design yet? Design one with our Certificate Maker.

Want to know more about your account’s certification management process? See how it works.

Students Can Receive Certificates Right After Passing an Exam

The popularity of online learning has boomed since 2022. The majority of universities now offer online courses. K-12 schools invest in online programs as parents and students find them convenient and advantageous.

However, online education comes with new processes that need to be implemented to allow for efficient work flow by the school staff. This includes your student body’s certification process at the end of their course, exams, or seminars.

An effective way that schools are maximizing automation is through the use of the SimpleCert API (application programming interface). This API allows for the connection of an external program such as a database, or Learning Management System, directly into your SimpleCert account. By utilizing SimpleCert’s public API, or by using programs like Zapier to create your API, you can automatically send student data from a course completion test or online form, into SimpleCert to instantly create and send that student’s certificate.

Enhance Student Certificate Access

Do your students contact you for copies of their existing certificates, costing you valuable time and effort to locate and resend? All SimpleCert Monthly subscription accounts include individual student Recipient portals for every person you award a certificate to. Students can log into their portal at any time, and instantly have access to every certificate you have awarded them. There’s no cost or account sign up required for recipients, and by providing students a way to access certificates themselves, you are guaranteed to save time and effort.

Track Certificates in Real Time

All generated certificates are secured in a cloud database. You can track which students have received and accessed their certificates. You can even export certificate records for compliance documentation at the click of a button.

Secure Your Certificates from Fraud

Protect your institution’s reputation from fraud with SimpleCert’s QR code generator. Each QR code is unique and, once scanned, takes the user to a page that verifies the authenticity of that specific certificate. This page contains an image of the certificate and important information about that certificate.

See What Other Academic Institutions Have to Say of their SimpleCert Student Certificate Manager Software

SimpleCert helps academic professionals like you save time, money, and effort to cut through work and prioritize bigger responsibilities.

“Since we have discovered SimpleCert, we stopped wasting so much paper and reduced costs incredibly. We send around 600 certificates bimonthly and all our students are happy to have a certificate that they can send, upload or attach to any website they need to.”

     – Maria Milagros Garcia
Quality Leadership University

“With a faculty and staff that come from over thirty-five different countries, our use of SimpleCert certificates has shown that everyone -no matter where they are from -appreciates acknowledgment of their contributions.”

     – Dr. Deborah Al Enezi
The Community College of Qatar

“Here at the Knowledge Coop we find SimpleCert to be a smooth system that makes it easy to deliver certificates to people whether in bulk or individually. We enjoy the straightforward design and clear UI that characterizes the SimpleCert experience.”

     – Nathan Knottingham
Knowledge Coop

Use SimpleCert and Our Free Account to Save Up to 94%

SimpleCert’s free account provides you with full functionality, to allow you to test and design your certificates before any purchase is required.

Are you needing a simple way to distribute certificates without a monthly purchase? Simply purchase bulk credits within your SimpleCert account. By utilizing bulk credits, you can save up to 94% of your costs if you went elsewhere. How’s that for savings?

For example, let’s say you’re in charge of distributing certificates of attendance from an annual conference. For this year’s conference, you need to create, manage and send out 150 certificates.

To accomplish this, your certification process will need three elements: making the certificate, distributing those personalized certificates, and storing them for future access.

With your free account in SimpleCert® alone, you have all these tools in one:

Software Tool SimpleCert®
Certificate Maker Canva Pro ($44.49/yearly) SimpleCert Free Account with the purchase of 150 bulk credits ($24, one time purchase)
Certificate Distributor MS Word and Outlook from Microsoft 365 Business Standard ($137.50/yearly)
Certificate Storage DropBox Essentials ($216/yearly)
Total $397.99/yearly $24(one time purchase)

Utilizing SimpleCert, you save up to 94% with a free SimpleCert® account and a $24 purchase of 150 credits.

Experience University Certificate Management Solutions with SimpleCert®

Curious to see if the SimpleCert® Certificate Management System is right for you? Sign up for a free account to test the waters without strings attached!

Customize your certificate with our easy to use interface. Upload recipient data, and watch it personalize certificates for you. Finally, see all the certificates you’ve made automatically recorded and monitored within your account. SimpleCert stands out from other certificate management systems by making your institution more productive, for lesser costs.

And if it’s not for you, you can continue on your way.

But if you want automated certificates that cut costs for your institution, meet regulatory standards, and protect your academic institution as one of the best…

Then, what are you waiting for? Sign up today.

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