IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider – Check out SimpleCert®!

According to, “The Annual Filing Season Program is intended to recognize and encourage unenrolled tax return preparers who voluntarily increase their knowledge and improve their filing season competency through continuing education (CE).”  As an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider, that’s where you come in…to provide those 16 hours of continued education per year! The content

IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider – Check out SimpleCert®! Read More »

An Experiment Shows that Certificates Encourage Students to Attend After-School Tutoring Sessions

“We found that the students in the certificate group attended 42.5 percent more of their allocated tutoring hours than students in the control group.” We found the following article that quantitatively shows that certificates of recognition encourage Students, read below: Matthew G. Springer, Vanderbilt University Many parts of the federal education law called No Child

An Experiment Shows that Certificates Encourage Students to Attend After-School Tutoring Sessions Read More »

Are you a NSCA® CEU Provider?

Create your certificates with SimpleCert®! Now that we understand some of the benefits of why becoming a provider is beneficial (see last post), let’s look more closely as CEU providers, for example we wrote about NASBA. We believe that continuous education allows individuals to improve their craft and stay present as there will always be

Are you a NSCA® CEU Provider? Read More »

How Award Certificate Templates Can Help Motivate Students

A certificate of recognition for a job well done is a great way to stimulate follow-through and reinforce participation. To reward a student with something tangible like a certificate allows the student to display his or her accomplishments. They can show their parents, siblings, peers and most importantly themselves, by hanging it up on their

How Award Certificate Templates Can Help Motivate Students Read More »

Are you a NASBA CPE Sponsor? SimpleCert® is the solution to your CPE submission requirements.

The idea and concept of SimpleCert® was born from the need to find a simple solution to creating certificates of completion for Group Internet Based programs. While many of the webinar platforms now have a way to create certificates, they don’t have the ability to store them or have them conveniently located in one place.

Are you a NASBA CPE Sponsor? SimpleCert® is the solution to your CPE submission requirements. Read More »

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