SimpleCert® Help Center

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What’s does ADD DATA FIELD in the Template Builder mean?

Data fields are merge variables that you choose to place on your certificate – such as [First name], [Course Title], [Date Completed], etc. Data fields should be added, named and placed on your certificate so that they MATCH the upload fields contained in the lists you plan to use with the particular Cert Set. Upon creation of a Cert Set and upload of recipient data, SimpleCert® will ask you to “map” the data fields so that each corresponding Data Field on your certificate has a corresponding upload field from your list. When you create your finished certificates, individual recipient data will then be displayed on each certificate in accordance to how you have mapped each data field.

As our application is built around being an efficient certificate creation/distribution tool, [First Name], [Last Name], and [Email address] are mandatory data fields that are needed to create certificates.

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