SimpleCert® Help Center

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Can I download a recipient’s certificate for them and send it as an attachment?

Yes! There may be many reasons why a recipient did not receive or cannot click on the download certificate link. To address this, you can do 2 things:

1. Download the certificate yourself and send it to them as an attachment in an email.

          1. Go to your STORE module (click on cloud with up arrow icon)
          2. Click on the Recipients menu.
          3. Find the recipient and click on their name. All his/her certificates awarded to him/her will show up in the area below.
          4. Click on downloadPDF. This will download the PDF to your desktop.
          5. Rename the file, if necessary, and attach to an email to the recipient.

Download Certificate

2. Direct them to use the recipient portal (available only for monthly subscribers).

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